Home Speaking Coworkers Optimizing Operations

Unleashing Productivity

Clint Maun, CSP

As payment for service is capitated, providers must utilize proven methods to unleash their true operating margin… human productivity. This program highlights proven approaches to maximize orientation results and realize an early return on investment (ROI) in human productivity. Learn to capitalize on people’s strengths (both new and current employees). This program will provide you a futuristic perspective to the changing employment picture into the next century.

The Participants will be involved in a specific methodology to unleash human productivity. At the completion of this session participants will be able to:
  1. Design and implement workable self-control systems for all employees that measurably increase productivity.
  2. Develop a specific method for “zoning” work effort so there is an effective and efficient utilization of staff in the healthcare organization.
  3. Implement creative redesign efforts for the work process that must be accomplished during an 8-hour shift.
  4. Implement workable self-reporting processes that allow daily adjustments to be made on workflow throughout the day.
  5. Prepare the correct scheduling implementation needed to deal with today’s work force issues (including absenteeism, tardiness, overtime, replacement initiative, etc).
This session will include case studies, examples, lecture, humor, question and answer and discussion.