Clint Maun, CSP
Although health
care executives are very busy, it is still important to meet as a group
on a regular basis. Meetings should be invigorating and encourage involvement
by all. Executives must be accountable for achieving meeting results
by setting basic meeting ground rules, including a prepared agenda with
priorities, starting and ending on time and providing all members appropriate
handouts/reading material prior to the meeting. These actions will improve
involvement throughout the meeting and create successful outcomes.
Participation and
preparation must be transterritorial. This depicts that everyone needs
to be involved in all areas and not allow silos/turf (areas of exclusive
specialty) to develop, and attendees must not “zone out”
when their non-specialty areas are discussed. Everyone should provide
input into areas that may not be their comfort zone or expertise.
A great executive
team member transcends the process by stimulating everyone to contribute,
and move toward meaningful deliberation and onto action that is mutually
understood and accepted.
For executive team meetings to realize their full potential, each agenda item should be coded with one of these four discussion point categories:
- Command Item
- Consensus Item
- Consultative Item
- Communication Item
These discussion
points provide a specific understanding of what kind of action, research
or involvement the topic demands. If the discussion item is a “Command
item” it means that the person in charge is providing an update
of what has occurred, what information they have accumulated, and what
is expected to occur regarding that item.
If an item is marked
“Consensus item”, a meeting member is presenting an agenda
item for the executive team to come to an agreement on the action to
be taken. They are looking for a “lets move forward’ stamp
of approval by the executive team.
A “Consultative
item” requires input and consultation from the team members as
to how to proceed. This decision point may not get action immediately,
but requires careful review.
“Communication items” are informative. These items communicate success stories, breaking concepts, news happenings and keeps team members on the same page and up to date. This decision point normally does not require further action.
By utilizing these four categories, the executive team can be better
prepared as to what their role is regarding agenda topics and provides
clarity of the anticipated time to be spent on each topic item. Consultative
items usually requires more time than Communication items, therefore
all discussion items should be prioritized with that in mind.