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Sample Behavioral Interviewing Questions

Clint Maun, CSP

1. In reference to cooperation, three questions could be used such as:
  1. Describe a situation where you had a conflict with a boss, peer or customer and how you handled that situation?
  2. Give me an example of a situation that you feel particularly proud of regarding how you handled improving cooperation with another individual.
  3. Tell me a story that relates how you feel a conflict situation was handled inappropriately and what could have been done to make that situation better.

2. Some sample questions for dependability could include:
  1. Give me an example in the past when you weren't able to show up for work on time or at all. How did you deal with that situation?
  2. Describe for me in your previous work situation the process that was completed when an individual wasn't able to make it in for work.
  3. Tell me how you were able to overcome a personal situation and be able to adjust your schedule or make it into work at a different time than when was needed.

3. These three questions could be used to deal with the area of initiative:
  1. Describe what occurred in your previous work situation when one individual was done with their work prior to another individual completing their work assignments.
  2. Tell me how you handled situations where you were expected to complete work without supervisory oversight.
  3. Give me an example of a situation where you believe you went beyond the call of duty in completing work that was necessary.

4. To determine a candidate's attitude these questions could be used:
  1. Give me an example in the past when you felt particularly down during the day and how did you go about handling that particular situation?
  2. Describe for me what individuals did at your previous work situation when there was a bad attitude with a coworker.
  3. Tell me a story about how you dealt with a particularly disruptive event during the day that could cause you to not feel "up".